Who I am

Hi there, I am Sylvain Truong, an Applied Research Scientist at Element AI, currently based in Singapore.

Let us connect on LinkedIn or Twitter.

Why this workspace

Part of my role requires to be on top of what is happening in the Machine Learning world.

The amount of information that is published everyday is tremendous which can be exciting and daunting at the same time.

It comes in various shapes: conference papers, blogposts, tutorials, tweets...

To be successful in keeping up with the latest in ML, I had to figure out a workflow to effectively capture interesting ideas.

I used a variety of tools in the past and stumbled across Notion not so long ago.

It is a versatile productivity tool. I decided to give a try and see if it could work for me.

I also figured out that other professionals may be interested in how Notion can be used to pin down references. So I decided to publish a template version of it.

Although this template is biased towards Machine Learning research, it can easily be repurposed for other fields.

Workspace features

Straightforward organization

This opinionated template suggests to record all your references in two communicating databases[1]: